Wednesday 1 March 2017

Weird/Awkward Moments I've experienced in Animal Jam!

Kon'nichawa, hola and Bonjour!
Watashi no konpyūta ga motte iru- No, don't worry! I'm not going to be typing this post in Japanese. Why would I want to spend the next hour on Google Translate? >:3
Anyways, guess what?! My computer's wi-fi got fixed! And guess what? My school tests are also starting soon! Yayyyyy! Just kidding, my friends. I hate my life. :D

But I don't care, I'm gonna make a post! (It's about time.) 
Anyways, today I'm going to be sharing some awkward moments in/about Animal Jam that I've experienced. I made a post like this last Summer, but I don't think anyone read it so I'm doing it again. XD

1. This one didn't happen in Animal Jam, but it's related. So, do you guys know about Animal Jam graphics? Yea, well I used to make a lot of them last year. I was making a graphic of the butterfly wall art item in Animal Jam. My mom was in the room and she looked up and said, ''What are you doing?'' I replied, ''I'm making graphics.'' She exclaimed, ''Graphics designing?!'' She was super proud. Poor her, she thought her daughter was drawing beautiful ''graphics'' while all I was doing was adding a transparent background to a picture. XD I did tell her it wasn't ''actual'' graphic designing, and she was like, ''oh ok rip''. 

2. This happened in December of 2014, while I was hanging out with my buddies. So, basically, a message popped up that said something about me getting 20,000 something gems and 20 diamonds. Ever since that, I had thought it was AJHQ ''granting'' me those gems and diamonds for free, but now that I think about it, it was probably just my membership renewing. My life has been a lie!

3. This one is more like a co-incidence. This was when I was a new jammer. I was with a few other jammers and then I saw them with a pet hamster. I screeched, I WANTED IT! I asked them to trade me it, and they told me that pets couldn't be traded. They did show me how to get my own pet though, so shout out to who-ever you are. 2 years later, we could now trade pets and I don't even use that feature! This one wasn't the best, but eh...

4. I already mentioned this in the other post, but one time, I randomly started crying over Animal Jam! So, my buddies had gotten into a sort of drama, and I saw it with my own two eyes. Everything was so spicy that drip, drip. Fricken' tears came down my eyes! Like, I wasn't even involved in the drama, why the heck did I start crying? Well, because I'm a huge dumpster! :'D 

I'm sorry these aren't a lot. My brain can't remember all of them. D: 
Anyways, I updated the template! What do you think of it? :D 
Aaaand, if you have any awkward moments you've experienced in Animal Jam, tell me in the comments! :D
Bye guys (I just assumed your gender!)!


  1. Being a New Jammer was so akward for me.

  2. 1. XDDD
    3. I remember when I first joined AJ.... O.O I traded a plushie with clothing on it for River Race, and when they declined I was like, "OH COME ON THAT WAS FAIR" *facepalms* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    4. I hate friend drama :P Recently there was some friend drama with my buddies, but it is over now, LUCKILYYYYY

  3. My favourite was the one with your momXD

  4. As a new jammer, I was really weird around people. I was young, so yeah... lol

  5. @Sarahkey8
    Wow, much fair trade wowww. XDD

  6. @Violet AJ
    I liked that one too. :D

  7. @PenguinBoss AJ
    I'm pretty sure all of us were pretty, uh, awkward as New Jammers! I get what you're talking about.;)

  8. when I was new to animal jam I got a headdress and an orange phantom rug in a trade and recycled them because they were member items.

    I mean, they weren't worth much back then in 2013 but it still makes me cringe a lot.


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