Friday, 26 February 2016


Yea, that post title though. Ya, I'm going to be talking about stuff besides Animal Jam. It's Friday so that's good. I actually had my iPad with me this whole week because I think my parents forgot to take it after Sunday, but I was sick so I had to stay home for one whole week. I had a lot of missing work and now my hands hurt. :') Well, my friends (whom I used to call "fake" friends) have gotten a bit closer with me so I can't say that I'm lonely at school anymore. Ya, sometimes they forget about me. But I actually deserve it (idk why, I just suck lol). I've been getting good marks in tests so that's kinda good... It actually feels like old times when I wasn't that girl who was obsessed with a game about little animals wearing clothes and then they have their own princess castles and stuff. It's nice to know that you have a life outside a computer screen. Oh and remember when I used to try so hard to be funny in my posts? Ugh, I cringe so hard when I read those posts. 
There's a little thing I wanted to tell you all... I complain about school a lot in my posts and now I feel like everyone who reads my posts thinks that I am a dull student. I can't say I'm smart or anything, but just imagine me reading my book while everyone is acting all crazy and wild in class. I never would want to be a dull student. About the grades I've been talking about, it was because studies changed in this grade. I was used to easy stuff, but then this grade came and I was all confused about the work. 
Well, just so you know, I posted this just to get these words out of my head. I feel like when I write something down, it basically gets out of my head or at least stops disturbing me. So, yea. Bye! :3 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

A few changes in my break

Hello! Well, my exams got postponed until April 11th. So that means I'll be gone for long, but I won't have any exam session after this one! Yay. :3 I still can't get on my computer though. I also decided to cancel the author tryouts since I changed my mind about having too many authors for this blog. I just can't agree on having a bunch of strangers writing posts for my blog. D: Only 2 authors are enough for this one unknown blog. Well, bye for now! 
Wow, I love being sick.
Yea, really.

Thursday, 4 February 2016


Hello jammers! This is Purplestarcub and, uh..... I know I said that I'd post on Monday, but something happened. I got notified that my exams are in only one month. I know that I complain about exams a lot, but my exams are actually pretty tough and they are every 4 months or so. My dad completely shut my computer and I can't even get on it on weekends! I haven't been active lately because my IPad was also not available, but I can go on it every day off. I don't have school tomorrow and I really wish I can post, but I can't. You might think that my parents are rude, but they actually just want my good grades back, even though I can prove that the Internet is not the problem for my poor grades lately. I'll be honest, I think it's a better decision to just get my grades back and then I'll start posting, but there is another problem. I'd be able to post for only 10 days after exams because of my new grade that I'm going to be in. Since exams are going to be taken early this year, I'll have to expect another exam session after a few months. -.- I'll try my best to be back in Summer. The only thing I can say is that I won't be able to post even on Saturdays now. Now for the author tryouts, maybe they will have to be postponed because I can't get on Animal Jam to give the prizes for the giveaway. I'll be gone until April and then I'll be active for a few days and we'll see if the new grade is torturous enough to keep me from posting. I'm pretty sure that I'll be back this summer, no promises though because remember how I said I'll post on Monday? Ha... :V
Well anyways, bye.
P.s: If you see me on AJ, then I'm messing with my IPad and you basically can't do a lot of stuff on AJ using the IPad. :I

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Snow Day #2

Yes!! It's another Snow Day for me, so it'll be easier to post. Here's just a few updates and other stuff.
I updated The Voice AJ blog and posted the first episode if anybody would like to view it. Season 5 is now up and running.
Purple, I don't know if you're reading this, but I think you should update the blog's template and header. It's not my decision, so it's totally up to you, and I don't want to update it myself because this blog needs a theme that you like, not what I like. Thanks if you can reply!
Okay, let's get into the real part of this post. Here are the new items!

Here is the Daily Explorer update:
 And here's that picture that I always like to post:
Do you guys like Fashion? I tried out for this, so if you do, go enter Nafaria9's Friendship Festival Fashion show! Click here to go there.
I guess I'll end this post on two high notes. The first one is a reminder for The Animal Jam Spring's 15,000 views party this Saturday.
And the next one is about the Fix Our Community movement, which actually is being spread! So far my friends like Nafaria, Purple, and Arcticstar have spread the word. Thanks guys!
Keep viewing for more posts like this, and don't forget to try out as an author for this blog. If you want to try out, click Here.
I'll see you guys next time, hope ya enjoyed this post. Don't forget to fix our community- once and for all.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Author Tryouts reminder

Remember, if you want to be an author on My Little Jammers, click here.

Cupid's Bow and arrows + Heart Chair

Roar. It's Penguin here. Be scared.
Yea, you don't have to be scared.
But here are today's new items! That's nothing to be scared about!

These are pretty creative. What do you guys think?
If you're wondering why I'm posting at such an unusual time, it's because I don't have School today. We're getting 8 to 12 inches of Snow. (That was random)
If you view my main blog, The Animal Jam Spring, you'll know I'm having a 15,000 views party this weekend. I'll just remind anyone here about it.
And don't forget about the Fix our Community movement.
I guess that's all I have for this post. Stay tuned for more of these posts, and I know this was boring and a repeat of some other posts lol.
See you guys later!

Monday, 1 February 2016

Rare Ribbon Scarf + Announcement

Penguin here. Ha, I don't know if you read my other blogs, but if you do you'll know I like quotes. So here's one: "Knowledge will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you anywhere." -Albert Einstein
Do you people understand what this means? Imagination is the most powerful thing. Imagination is also believing in something- and that's what I'm going to be explaining in this post.
If we can get this blog to 11,000 views by March 1st Purple and I will host a Giveaway. Can we do it? I believe we can.
Moving on. Here is today's rare:
Kinda pricey, but it's worth it because Non Members can wear them. Personally I think Non Member rares are worth more because they aren't as common.
Also, don't forget about my Fix the Community movement. I believe we can do this, too, but it will be hard.
Remember to help support this by following the "How to helps"!
That's all for today, see you guys soon. ( <<<<< Yea, I know, that's such a common ending for a post)