This is really sudden but I feel like I needed to say this.
I'm quitting this blog...
This post is really hard to make, after over 3 years of blogging but yes, I'm quitting. This is sudden for me too, as just a week ago I was making a template and all for this blog in hopes that I'd start posting again but I really can't keep this up anymore. I feel like a really bad person by quitting all of a sudden without saying anything to my friends.
I thought long and hard last night, and decided that this was for the best.
I don't have any interest in Animal Jam anymore, I really, really don't. I've grown out of it and if I continue trying to write posts for something I don't enjoy anymore, it'll end in failure. And by failure, I mean me not being able to write anything at all but pretending that I still like AJ. I don't want to make false promises and not being able to act on them. I can't stay on AJ for over 2-3 minutes nowadays because, well, there's nothing to do. My buddies are not online when I am. It's not their fault, we just have different time-zones. AJ has changed a bit over the past few months and because of my long 2-3 month break from it, I've completely lost my interest. More or less, I've grown older and I've found new things that I enjoy.
School is also a huge problem. I would've quit next year because of school, even if I still was interested in AJ. Once high school starts in my country students have to go to these ''academies'' after school. They're basically just normal school hours but.. after school? It sucks. My parents have a lot of expectations from me. They want me to go study abroad after my 3rd year in high school. I know I'm not in high school yet but this grade is still very hard. We have huge tests and a lot of homework. I get less than an hour to do leisure activities, just think about how hard things will get next year for me. It's very scary. I don't want to be spending a bunch of time playing AJ, writing posts and all that when studies are very hard.
To be fairly honest, school is a smaller problem than my loss of interest.
I have a little message for all of my buddies as they're the only reason I've been playing AJ for these 3 years. This is awfully cheesy but I mean it. Thank you so much! Thanks so much for always sticking by me. You've all cheered me up on my worst days, made me laugh and smile countless times and been the best of friends one could ever have, even though we don't even know each other in real life. I know I'm not a very good friend but I try my hardest, I really do. I'll still try to talk to you all on other social medias because I really can't think of ever not being with you guys forever. I can't even convey my feelings properly in words. Uhh, this sounds so cheesy and dramatic but I really, really, reaaaaally mean it. :D
I'm actually crying so hard right now. It's hard to post this. I don't want to quit but I can't keep posting either. I'm so, so sorry. Thanks so much for everything, guys. I'll never forget about this blog. Hopefully, if I ever get the time, I'll make a post telling you guys about how I'm doing.
Again, I'm sorry for bringing this up at such a happy time of the year. I'm greatly sorry. I just couldn't keep it all in for long.
Well, this is it. I could say so many things but I don't know how to write them down into words. Thank you for all your support throughout the years. I love you all so much, remember that. <3
Goodbye! I hope we can talk again sometime. ^.^
Friday, 22 December 2017
Sunday, 10 December 2017
Template Finished + Note
Hellooooo! How are you all?
I'm making this post to tell you guys that the new template is up! Please let me know what you think of it. :3 I worked really hard on it. If there's something you think I should add, feel free to let me know. :)
I also wanted to tell you all something. As you know, school has started for me again. I returned to posting thinking that they'd take it easy this time but studies are still super duper hard. Because of this, I'll only be able to post on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. I really hope that you guys understand. ^.^' I'll try my hardest to post when I do get the time.
That's all I had to say for this short post. I'll see you all later! Bye!
I'm making this post to tell you guys that the new template is up! Please let me know what you think of it. :3 I worked really hard on it. If there's something you think I should add, feel free to let me know. :)
I also wanted to tell you all something. As you know, school has started for me again. I returned to posting thinking that they'd take it easy this time but studies are still super duper hard. Because of this, I'll only be able to post on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. I really hope that you guys understand. ^.^' I'll try my hardest to post when I do get the time.
That's all I had to say for this short post. I'll see you all later! Bye!
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Template Under Construction
Hi guys! This is going to be a very short post. I just wanted to tell you guys that I’m gonna be working on this blog’s template for a couple of days. Don’t mind it if it looks weird right now! School just started again and so I’m kinda busy with a lot of things. I expected this term to be easier but looks like we’re getting two whole weeks of tests... again! -.- Because of school, I won’t really be able to get on the computer for long so I’m gonna divide the template work so that it’s easier.
I really want this one to look good. My blog always looks really messy and the sidebars are always super hard to read. Feel free to leave any suggestions! :D Oh and this month’s template is going to be winter.
P.s, the template right now might seem done but I’m actually still working on it. I need to adjust quite a bit of things.
Saturday, 2 December 2017
So Many Things to Catch Up On!
Hello Jammers! Purple here! :D How are you all doing? I've been feeling really happy and energetic (which is really unusual for me XD) ever since December started. Probably because winter is just awesome. I love winter way too much. Especially since I don't have exams this time around. lol
Anyways, as I promised in my last post, I'll be checking out all the new things that have come to AJ in the past 2 months. Some of these things were complete surprises while I did see some of the new features from Youtube and other social media but I had fun looking at all that AJHQ had added. While I did ''like'' the new features, I really felt like they've gotten too obsessed with diamonds. But that's just my opinion.
First, I wanted to check out this...
Anyways, as I promised in my last post, I'll be checking out all the new things that have come to AJ in the past 2 months. Some of these things were complete surprises while I did see some of the new features from Youtube and other social media but I had fun looking at all that AJHQ had added. While I did ''like'' the new features, I really felt like they've gotten too obsessed with diamonds. But that's just my opinion.
First, I wanted to check out this...
R.I.P Club Geoz.
While this place looks really good and we can learn a lot about the alphas and stuff, I still miss Club Geoz. I do know that AJ worked super hard on this new room so I'll give them that.
Not trying to be a party-pooper buuuut this was pretty sneaky of AJHQ to do. A second ''diamond shop'' thing for armors and things like that. :P As if 2 weren't enough.
You guys: Ok, Purple. STOP BEING SO SALTY.
Me: K, I'll stop but I won't forgive AJHQ for getting rid of my Club Geoz. :V
You guys: Just, shut up.
Me: Ok. :C
Jk, they're cute. (Sure)
The new pets are honestly really nice. I like the dolphins.
(Yes, I'm aware that the pandas and koalas aren't new lol)
Pinky the Flamingo?! :O (If you're my buddy, you might know who I'm talking about. XDD)
In all seriousness, the new animals are really cute. I like them. XD
I want one of these so, so much but sadly, I'm a non-member. AJHQ needs to make one of these for non members. Pretty please? XD These items are really creative. I love them so much!
I was super confused during this adventure. I wasn't really giving it my all so that's probably why but I'm glad AJHQ is adding new adventures and stuff into the game. It's nice. :3
(I know this isn't new but some of the items are.)
I love the fireplace. :o
(This isn't new either but I bought everything because I forgot how hard diamonds are to earn as a non member. R.I.P)
Ok, I LOVED this room so, so much! I love the aesthetic and the mysterious vibes it gives off and ah, I just love it. XDD
Why though?
Those were all the things I found on AJ. Let me know if you think I forgot to check out something big. That's all for now!
Peace out. <3
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Remember me..?
Ouch, it's been three months...
*is ashamed of self*
You all probably know why I was gone so I won't repeat the ''school is hard, I'm losing interest in AJ and I have crippling depression'' things over and over again. I can hear you guys saying ''phew''! :'D
Well, that aside, the important thing is that I'm back! (Is that an important thing? Idk anymore lol)
My exams are over now and I have 4 days off from school. I hope school in December won't be super hard so that I actually do get time to post and stuff. I doubt there will be a lot of tests and stuff this month since they literally just took all the energy out of us with those tiring 2 months of exams and tests and whatnot.
Oh, and about the ''losing interest in AJ'' thing.. I'm actually gonna start playing AJ from now on so that hopefully I'll start enjoying it again. If you see me online, feel free to come hang out. Hanging out with my buddies on AJ will probably make me want to play Animal Jam a lot more. Next post will be me checking out all the things that have come to the game in the past 3 or 2 months.
Just wanted to clear some more things up. The reason that I've been posting on The Animal Jam Artists Community and not on this blog is because art is still something I love very much while I've lost my interest in AJ. On this blog, I only like to post about Animal Jam. School was hard but I always schedule posts for the AJAC which makes posting much easier. I swear, I could NOT think of any AJ post ideas or else I would've scheduled at least 1 or 2 posts for this blog as well.
Anyways, I'm really sorry for my absence. I hope that at least some of you understood what I was trying to say, I felt like I did a really bad job at explaining in this post. >,<
I'll see you all in my next post. Bye! :)
*is ashamed of self*
You all probably know why I was gone so I won't repeat the ''school is hard, I'm losing interest in AJ and I have crippling depression'' things over and over again. I can hear you guys saying ''phew''! :'D
Well, that aside, the important thing is that I'm back! (Is that an important thing? Idk anymore lol)
My exams are over now and I have 4 days off from school. I hope school in December won't be super hard so that I actually do get time to post and stuff. I doubt there will be a lot of tests and stuff this month since they literally just took all the energy out of us with those tiring 2 months of exams and tests and whatnot.
Oh, and about the ''losing interest in AJ'' thing.. I'm actually gonna start playing AJ from now on so that hopefully I'll start enjoying it again. If you see me online, feel free to come hang out. Hanging out with my buddies on AJ will probably make me want to play Animal Jam a lot more. Next post will be me checking out all the things that have come to the game in the past 3 or 2 months.
Just wanted to clear some more things up. The reason that I've been posting on The Animal Jam Artists Community and not on this blog is because art is still something I love very much while I've lost my interest in AJ. On this blog, I only like to post about Animal Jam. School was hard but I always schedule posts for the AJAC which makes posting much easier. I swear, I could NOT think of any AJ post ideas or else I would've scheduled at least 1 or 2 posts for this blog as well.
Anyways, I'm really sorry for my absence. I hope that at least some of you understood what I was trying to say, I felt like I did a really bad job at explaining in this post. >,<
I'll see you all in my next post. Bye! :)
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Why I've Been So Absent
Yup, it's been a month since I last posted.
May I just say, I'm AWFULLY sorry. Not only was I not posting, but I was super absent from the AJ Blogger community as well. I barely commented on you guys's posts. I'm really, really sorry.
The main problem for my absence was school. I just started this week but I've been preparing a lot and so I was really, very busy. Our school gives out a huge book of homework for us to do in Summer Vacation and I was busy doing that too. I'm in a higher grade now, and in just 6 months or so, I'll be starting High School. I'm planning on going to a High School with really strict but great education and so preparing for it is really tough. I barely have anytime to watch a single tv show episode nowadays and getting on my computer and writing a post for an hour straight is just out of question. (I'm doing that right now because I have a few day offs right now lol)
With that said, I don't think I'll be able to post when I have school going on. I don't really know about Weekends, though.
There's just one more ''teeny tiny'' problem, I've lost my interest in Animal Jam. I've been playing AJ for over 3 years and I know that some people haven't lost their interest even when they've been playing since the beta days but I tend to get bored out of stuff quickly and it's a miracle that only now I've completely started to get bored out of AJ. Of course, I could still play for all the amazing people that I've met through the game but because of our different timezones, I'm usually not online when they are. We all get tired of something at one point or another and I'm hoping you guys will understand.
Now, I'm not saying I'm completely giving up on AJ and posting. I'll still be reading AJ posts and watching AJ related videos and posting whenever I have the time. I'll actively be talking to you guys on social media. It'd be just sad if I quit now so I can't do that. I'm just saying that it'd be hard for me be super active or anything on here.
Anyways, I think that's all I had to say. Bye!
May I just say, I'm AWFULLY sorry. Not only was I not posting, but I was super absent from the AJ Blogger community as well. I barely commented on you guys's posts. I'm really, really sorry.
The main problem for my absence was school. I just started this week but I've been preparing a lot and so I was really, very busy. Our school gives out a huge book of homework for us to do in Summer Vacation and I was busy doing that too. I'm in a higher grade now, and in just 6 months or so, I'll be starting High School. I'm planning on going to a High School with really strict but great education and so preparing for it is really tough. I barely have anytime to watch a single tv show episode nowadays and getting on my computer and writing a post for an hour straight is just out of question. (I'm doing that right now because I have a few day offs right now lol)
With that said, I don't think I'll be able to post when I have school going on. I don't really know about Weekends, though.
There's just one more ''teeny tiny'' problem, I've lost my interest in Animal Jam. I've been playing AJ for over 3 years and I know that some people haven't lost their interest even when they've been playing since the beta days but I tend to get bored out of stuff quickly and it's a miracle that only now I've completely started to get bored out of AJ. Of course, I could still play for all the amazing people that I've met through the game but because of our different timezones, I'm usually not online when they are. We all get tired of something at one point or another and I'm hoping you guys will understand.
Now, I'm not saying I'm completely giving up on AJ and posting. I'll still be reading AJ posts and watching AJ related videos and posting whenever I have the time. I'll actively be talking to you guys on social media. It'd be just sad if I quit now so I can't do that. I'm just saying that it'd be hard for me be super active or anything on here.
Anyways, I think that's all I had to say. Bye!
(Hehe, that's a signature I made for myself on MS Paint in 2014. Ah, nostalgia. XDD)
Friday, 28 July 2017
Testing The New AJ Beta App!
Hey there! You're probably surprised to see me FINALLY posting. I'm so sorry for the lack of posts these days. I don't have ANY ideas for posts but I have plenty of time. -.- I'll be SUPER busy after August 15th as school is starting. I'm in a higher grade now and studies are very hard. I'll explain more in an upcoming post but for now, I wanted to tell you guys:
The AJ app's link is finally out! I don't know if any Blogger has posted about this before or not but I'm still gonna post this hoping that at least 1 person out there doesn't know that it got released. XD
Of course, this AJ app is still in it's beta testing stage so it hasn't been out on the official AJ website yet. But Snowyclaw has given us a link on her AJ blog, ''Animal Jam Archives''.
Without further ado, here's the link to Snowy's blog post from where you can download the AJ app:
Yes, the links there are totally safe. I even tested them out! But make sure you ask your parents for permission, they might not want you downloading stuff behind their back. XD
This app took me quite a while to download as my computer is really old but if you have a newer computer, I can be almost certain that it'll take just a minute or two.
The AJ app's link is finally out! I don't know if any Blogger has posted about this before or not but I'm still gonna post this hoping that at least 1 person out there doesn't know that it got released. XD
Of course, this AJ app is still in it's beta testing stage so it hasn't been out on the official AJ website yet. But Snowyclaw has given us a link on her AJ blog, ''Animal Jam Archives''.
Without further ado, here's the link to Snowy's blog post from where you can download the AJ app:
Yes, the links there are totally safe. I even tested them out! But make sure you ask your parents for permission, they might not want you downloading stuff behind their back. XD
This app took me quite a while to download as my computer is really old but if you have a newer computer, I can be almost certain that it'll take just a minute or two.
(It was stuck there for at least a good 5 minutes or so. :P )
I was creepily satisfied by the loading screen, for some reason. Maybe it was just because I was super excited for actually playing AJ in full screen. I've been wanting to play AJ in full screen and good quality for AGES. I just don't like small screens. :P
EEEEK, it was so fun playing AJ on this app. Of course, it's the same but FULLSCREEEEEN. XD
The only problem was that it was really lag. But it's probably because of my old computer too.
I have no idea why I took a picture of the shop. lol
And of course, good news for all the artists out there. You can now draw in full screen too! XD I'm so happy about this because I literally could NOT draw in such a small screen. Thanks so much for this app, AJHQ. lol
I know all I did in this post was appreciate the full screen but there are many more things that are better about the AJ app than the normal website. One thing that I really like is that all the Flash problems you have to deal with on the browser are no longer here on this app. I definitely recommend downloading this app.
I won't be using this as my default platform to play AJ on, though. It's really laggy for me, but if you have a faster computer then you're good to go. XD
I'm so sorry for the bad grammar/badly worded sentences in this post. I'm in a really large hurry as I have to work on a drawing too and dad's not at work so I should probably not spend too much time on my computer. I'll see you all in my next post. Bye for now!
Saturday, 15 July 2017
A Random Post
Hello there! How are you all doing? :D I know, I know. I haven't posted in ages. I can explain.
You guys: Oh boy, here goes Purple making excuses again...
Me: Ok, ok, I'm sorry! But it's not my fault that my computer has an awful wi-fi connection and AJ doesn't load. >,<
You guys: Yea, we guessed.
As you can probably tell by the title, this post is gonna be random because I still have no ideas for original posts. I'll just be showing you all some edits I made and stuff. XD This post is really not going to be special but something is better than nothing, am I right?
So, a week or two ago, I downloaded Medibang Paint on my PC! If you don't know what that is, it's basically a painting program that has a lot of tools used for editing so I decided that I'd just use it as an editing program instead of a drawing program. I don't have a drawing tablet so drawing with a mouse is just too painful. XD Anyways, the first edit I made was this one:
You guys: Oh boy, here goes Purple making excuses again...
Me: Ok, ok, I'm sorry! But it's not my fault that my computer has an awful wi-fi connection and AJ doesn't load. >,<
You guys: Yea, we guessed.
As you can probably tell by the title, this post is gonna be random because I still have no ideas for original posts. I'll just be showing you all some edits I made and stuff. XD This post is really not going to be special but something is better than nothing, am I right?
So, a week or two ago, I downloaded Medibang Paint on my PC! If you don't know what that is, it's basically a painting program that has a lot of tools used for editing so I decided that I'd just use it as an editing program instead of a drawing program. I don't have a drawing tablet so drawing with a mouse is just too painful. XD Anyways, the first edit I made was this one:
I know, it's very cringey, but that's just how my edits these days are. lol But it's purple and VERY sparkly, so I won't complain. XDD
The other one is an edit I made for Lostfairy. I really wanted to practice my editing and so I begged her to let me make an edit for her. LOL
For some reason, I feel like this one's better than the first one I showed you guys but it's still not perfect. I kinda wish I hadn't added that star in the centre, it looks weird! XD
And now here I am, scaring little kids in the Summer Carnival.
Yea, I'm weird. I know that very clearly. XD
Aaaaand, now I'm going to show you all some of my Eggstravaganza pets that I got before my membership expired a while ago. I'm gonna have to get on my storage for this one since AJ doesn't let you see your member pets once you've turned non-member. >,<
Oh, so I did get 2 platypuses! I've been thinking that I didn't have any platypus this whole time. O,O But that's a very boring look she has going on there. XD
She looks cute! :3 And that triangle on her head is kinda cool. :D
Here's the last pet that loaded. I feel like I've shown this one to you guys before because it's quite old, but I don't know... Hmm... XD But still, she likes pizza like (the majority of people and) I do! :P
Anyways, that's it for this very small post. I'm sorry, I just didn't have any good ideas. I hope that the next post will be better but until then, goodbye!
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Reading My Old and Cringey WikiHow Article
Hello there, people of the universe! Purple is finally posting, yayyyyy.... :clap clap:
Well, that's one way to start your posts. o,o
Anyways, you probably already know what I'm gonna be doing in this post because of the title. But I do need to explain some things.
What exactly is Wikihow? Some of you may know what it is from Julian2's videos but if you don't, it's basically a how-to website. Hopefully, that made sense.
Now, we're going back to the past. When I was 10 or 9 (I don't remember, sorry. XD), I had an obsession over dolls. I was SO obsessed with them that I would look up tutorials on how to ''care'' for them on this website. Weird, I know. Then I started looking up Club Penguin how-to's, for some reason. And then, I came across an Animal Jam article on WikiHow. That's how I came to know about Animal Jam. Thanks, Wikihow! You've ruined my life. :) Obviously, being super obsessed with the website, I started making articles for it myself. Remember that I was only 9 or 10? Well... They were really, really cringey.
I'm going to be reacting to one of these articles. I'm 100% ready to die. :)
Just a note, the article I made was about roleplaying because 9 year old Purplestarclub LOVED adopting on Animal Jam.
:everyone pukes:
Let's, um... Go?

This is way too much. That's one helpless ''NEWBORN'' right there. Would it even know what money is?
Well, that's one way to start your posts. o,o
Anyways, you probably already know what I'm gonna be doing in this post because of the title. But I do need to explain some things.
What exactly is Wikihow? Some of you may know what it is from Julian2's videos but if you don't, it's basically a how-to website. Hopefully, that made sense.
Now, we're going back to the past. When I was 10 or 9 (I don't remember, sorry. XD), I had an obsession over dolls. I was SO obsessed with them that I would look up tutorials on how to ''care'' for them on this website. Weird, I know. Then I started looking up Club Penguin how-to's, for some reason. And then, I came across an Animal Jam article on WikiHow. That's how I came to know about Animal Jam. Thanks, Wikihow! You've ruined my life. :) Obviously, being super obsessed with the website, I started making articles for it myself. Remember that I was only 9 or 10? Well... They were really, really cringey.
I'm going to be reacting to one of these articles. I'm 100% ready to die. :)
Just a note, the article I made was about roleplaying because 9 year old Purplestarclub LOVED adopting on Animal Jam.
:everyone pukes:
Let's, um... Go?
So, this has over 5,000 views. Eww.. Oooh, and the grammar in the article was corrected by other contributors. My grammar and punctuation was absolutely awful back then. XD Other people also added images, so um, thanks?
I remember writing this step. Ughhhh. ''Be a bunny, for example, if you are a newborn.'' Is it just me or does that sound really off?
Mhm, you'll look FABULOUS. :sarcasm:
Oh, so that's where my messed up personality today came from! I sound serious about this roleplaying thing in this article. XD
HOW CAN YOU SPEAK IF YOU'RE ONLY 1 HOUR OLD?! :screams: HOW?! I guess I lacked common sense back then. :shrugs:

This is way too much. That's one helpless ''NEWBORN'' right there. Would it even know what money is?
The first warning... I'm laughing. lol
:dies from cringing so hard:
This was just absolute cringe. If the other authors didn't change it a bit, it would be even cringier.
Anyways, thanks for reading this awfully cringey post. I'll see you all in my next post! Byeeeeee.
(How many times did I say cringe in this post? XD)
Friday, 30 June 2017
New Template
Hello there!
You probably noticed this, but I changed this blog's template. I'm sorry about the sidebar being hard to read, Blogger wasn't letting me change the color. D: Anyways, I hope you guys like the new template, aside from that problem with the sidebar. :P I worked super hard on the header.
Also, if you're wondering where I've been, well, I was busy (in a good way lol)! I went out of city on Tuesday and some guests came over yesterday plus dad had a break from his work. I don't like going on the computer in front of him, he'd probably be like, ''Oh my, you don't pay attention to your homework blah blah blah...''. XD Sorry about the lack of posts! I'll post something right away once I get a good idea.
That's it for this teeny, tiny post. I'll see you all in my next post. Peace out. <3
You probably noticed this, but I changed this blog's template. I'm sorry about the sidebar being hard to read, Blogger wasn't letting me change the color. D: Anyways, I hope you guys like the new template, aside from that problem with the sidebar. :P I worked super hard on the header.
Also, if you're wondering where I've been, well, I was busy (in a good way lol)! I went out of city on Tuesday and some guests came over yesterday plus dad had a break from his work. I don't like going on the computer in front of him, he'd probably be like, ''Oh my, you don't pay attention to your homework blah blah blah...''. XD Sorry about the lack of posts! I'll post something right away once I get a good idea.
That's it for this teeny, tiny post. I'll see you all in my next post. Peace out. <3
Friday, 23 June 2017
Winners' Art + A Tag
Hey there! It's yo boi Aparri here, back with another video.
:cough cough: Don't worry, it's just Purple back with her unfunny intros. ;D
I felt really productive and completed the winners' drawings in a day. Woo! I complete art really fast (which is why it pretty much always sucks) but I mean 2 drawings in a day is pretty productive for a lazy potato for me.
Here's Crazcatlover's art!
1. What is your favorite book/book series?
As I said before, I don't read a lot of books with stories in them so I definitely prefer movies. I know I'm probably the only one in the Blogger community who actually prefers movies over books but I don't care. Everyone's different, okay?! XD3. What would you do if you got hacked, and the hacker took every one of your items, and deleted your whole entire buddy list
Um.. I'd freak out, of course! I know I can always buddy them all back but I won't be able to buddy back every single person. I am a human after all, I can't remember everyone. XD
4. What is your favorite animal (IRL, and pictures are accepted XD)
:cough cough: Don't worry, it's just Purple back with her unfunny intros. ;D
I felt really productive and completed the winners' drawings in a day. Woo! I complete art really fast (which is why it pretty much always sucks) but I mean 2 drawings in a day is pretty productive for a lazy potato for me.
Here's Crazcatlover's art!
I worked super hard on this because I wanted to make up for the awful drawings I made last time I hosted a giveaway. o,o
I'm really sorry about the fact that the face isn't focused. :P I think I did an okay job with the shading, wish I added a background though. Anyways, hope you like it, Cat! :D
Now, here's the art for Violet:
Oops, forgot to crop it! But anyways, I decided to draw Violet's goat on the sidebar of her blog because I've never drawn an AJ goat before. Drawing it was super fun. :D It's just a simple little headshot drawing. but I hope you like it, Violet. :)
Those were the drawings, now onto the tag!
This was the Sunshine AJ Blogger tag. I'm not going to be making any questions or tagging any people since I've already done that.
I was tagged by Sarahkey8 and let me just say.. I'm so sorry for doing it so late! She tagged me in this tag on 18th May and now it's 23rd June. I'm sorry, I just never got around to doing it. :(
Anyways, let's start answering some questions!
Hmm... I don't read too many books (minus school books of course lol) because I never get the chance to go to the library. But my school handed a book of ''Shakespeare's Stories'' last year and I have been stuck ever since. The stories are really fun! I know you're probably asking, ''Purple, you're 7, why are you reading Shakespeare?''. :cough: I'm not 7 and my school decided to put them in our course so why not?
2. Do you prefer a good book, or a good movie?As I said before, I don't read a lot of books with stories in them so I definitely prefer movies. I know I'm probably the only one in the Blogger community who actually prefers movies over books but I don't care. Everyone's different, okay?! XD3. What would you do if you got hacked, and the hacker took every one of your items, and deleted your whole entire buddy list
Um.. I'd freak out, of course! I know I can always buddy them all back but I won't be able to buddy back every single person. I am a human after all, I can't remember everyone. XD
4. What is your favorite animal (IRL, and pictures are accepted XD)
I basically like all animals as long as they aren't reptiles or gross insects, but if I had to chose, it'd be either wolves or cats!

I mean, just look at this little bundle of adorable-ness! XD
5. What is your worst injury you have ever had?
5. What is your worst injury you have ever had?
I've never had any major injuries but the one time I fail off of a really high chair has to be one of the biggest. lol I know I don't have a life.
6. Who 'introduced' you to blogging?
No one! I just wanted to make a website and ended up making a blog.
7. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
I'd rather be deaf. Not being able to see would be awful.
8. What would you do if all animals suddenly died, and we only ate plants (or stuff like that that involves no meat) and we wouldn't have any birds, cats, horses, dogs, etc?
I'd probably just die with them. lol I'm sorry, animals are too precious to me.
9. What is your favorite animal in AJ?
Um.. Uh.. Wolves, arctic wolf, arctic foxes, bunnies, sheep.... and many more. I'm sorry, I can't just pick one! XD
10. What is your favorite thing in Nature
Animals and waterfalls. :D What a weird answer. o,o
11. What is your favorite 'storm' weather? (Light rain, big thunder storm e.t.c)
I LOVE it when it rains heavily.
Thanks for tagging me, Sarah! I had fun answering all these questions. :)
That's it for this post. Bye!
animal jam,
art dump,
art post,
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Art Raffle Winners!
Bonjour Jammers! Yup, it's been three days which means it's time for me to announce the giveaway winners. ;D Oooh, who's excited?! I know I am!
But seriously, before I announce the winners, I just want to say thank you so much for entering. I always feel really awful when I host something and people don't join in. Nine people entered and that makes me super happy. :D
Another thing, as of right now, I don't know the winners as I'm gonna be picking them using this random number generator on Google right here, right now. :P The first number to come up that matches with any of the entered numbers wins!
First, we're gonna find out who wins 2nd place. (2nd place gets a headshot drawing.)
It's..... Violet86271!
(I always accidentally search stuff with caps lock on. XD)
Violet's number was 54. :D Congrats Violet! Let me know which animal you would like me to draw and any other preferences for the drawing. I can even draw your animal as a human if you want. :)
Now, it's time to find out who the first place winner is! First place winner will get a fully body drawing of their animal. Eeek, I'm excited. Let's go!
Congrats Cat! :D You've already told me what animal you want to have drawn so I may finish the drawing early. :)
Okay, let me just say... Google kept giving me A LOT of numbers which weren't entered by you guys so I was overjoyed when I saw ''52'' since it was on my list. XD
This giveaway was completely random and I didn't plan anything. I'm really sorry to all those who didn't win, blame it on Google. :P But no need to be sad because it's not like you'll request art from me and I'll say no. Feel free to ask me for art anytime you want. This giveaway was just for fun. :D
I just realized something. Both the winners' numbers were in the 50's! Does that mean Google really likes the number 50? Just kidding, probably just a coincidence. :P
Anyways, that's it for this post. I'll see you all in my next post. Bye! <3
Monday, 19 June 2017
Yet Another Art Raffle!
Hello there! I'm sorry for the lack of posts. I didn't have any ideas. I still don't have any but I just thought that I should do another art raffle!
If you are unclear on what an ''art raffle'' is, allow me to explain. ;D It's like a giveaway but the prize is an art piece. It's simple. So, without further ado...
If you are unclear on what an ''art raffle'' is, allow me to explain. ;D It's like a giveaway but the prize is an art piece. It's simple. So, without further ado...
Here's the edit that I made for this art raffle! Click to enlarge it if you're having trouble reading. I haven't been editing much lately so that's why the edit looks kind of cringey. XD
The image has the main part of the art raffle covered but I forgot to write the ending date and some stuff. So, keep reading!
This contest ends in 3 days, meaning you guys have today, Tuesday and Wednesday to enter! I'm sorry for the short time. I'll be VERY busy next week.
Another thing, there will be two winners just like the my first art giveaway. First place winner will get a full body drawing while the second place winner will get a headshot drawing.
The art might be digital. Who knows? ;)
(Also, I promise I won't make a post complaining about how awful the art I made for the winners is. Only some people will get what I mean. LOL)
Anyways, that was all I had for this ''Purple has run out of ideas'' post. Goodbye!
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Reacting To My Old Art Part 2! - The Not-so Old Old Art
Hello everyone! I'm so happy rn because the internet is better today! Yay! I can finally post. :D
I know I said that I had no ideas, but this happened. I found a sketchbook from late 2015 and so I thought that I should do another ''Reacting to Old Art'' post! I'd been wanting to do another art post for a while, but I just hadn't been making too much art lately. Without further ado, let's jump right into my stupid old drawings!
I'm prepared to die. c:
OH NO. This is so wrong... The hair, the arms, the face, the legs, everything's wrong! I still can't color properly but THAT is awful.
I know I said that I had no ideas, but this happened. I found a sketchbook from late 2015 and so I thought that I should do another ''Reacting to Old Art'' post! I'd been wanting to do another art post for a while, but I just hadn't been making too much art lately. Without further ado, let's jump right into my stupid old drawings!
I'm prepared to die. c:
OH NO. This is so wrong... The hair, the arms, the face, the legs, everything's wrong! I still can't color properly but THAT is awful.
:tries to hold in laughter:
:fails miserably:
LOL This is so wrong in so many ways. XDD The faaaaace. The worse part is, I was REALLY proud of this when I made it. I can't even, just, nope. Next! XD
Edit: I redrew this yesterday!
I used the same color pencils so that's why it looks really similar. :P
Yes, that's a pony. I'm an MLP fan... :Purple's true nature has been revealed and now she's dying:
Is she holding a cookie with a face on it?! Don't do it... O,O
Seriously, why did I draw girls like they were aliens back then? WHY, ME?! Also, that's a VERY bent Starbucks drink, just sayin'. XD
You know when you get a sketchbook and promise not to ruin the first page but ruin it so badly that it looks like it's burning? Well, this is one of those times. Everything's wrong yet again. That creepy pumpkin though. O,O Also, why would a Vampire want to burn the Earth?!
Eeek, this was art for Nafaria9 but it looks so bad! It was my first time drawing a deer but still, it's embarrassing. Such awful anatomy. Especially the neck and the legs. O3O
Anyways, that's all the art I found. Which drawing should I re-draw? I want to see how much I've improved. :3 But I know that I don't draw like that now. Improving slowly is much better than giving up completely. :)
I'm sorry about this post being sorta boring. This was all I could come up with. Expect an AJ related post for the next one. :D
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