Friday 9 September 2016

Where have I been?

*comes out of grave*
Hello, children.
W-wait, ''purplestarclub''? Who in the wide, crazy world is that?
I said that I'd be able to post during the school year, but life strikes again! This time with +10 bullets! I'm weird, all right. So, my parents are being jerks and taking away my I-pad for STUPID reasons. First, on Monday, I got sick with a stomach-ache atm I was getting ready for school. They said that I was lying and started being all rude because they don't trust me! :clap clap: That's when they shut down my electronics. I got them back in a day, though. This Wednesday, I forgot to do an English assignment (because I had tons of tests), I started crying because my English teacher is REALLY strict. I remember what she said to me on Tuesday. Again, my parents think I did it just to skip school.
I don't blame them, I was joking about skipping school on Sunday just for the humor. I also admit that they're really busy right now so they might've been stressed out. But honestly, they should not put their anger out on me, I keep reminding them how young I am.
I guess tomorrow's gonna be a bad day too. I always have bad-luck on my Birthdays.
Also, if I don't post next week, something similar probably happened. Idk if it will, since I don't have school next week because of something. It's a public holiday, so that's good!

I bet half of my posts are IRL posts. Whenever I try to do the AJ item posts, I never find the items. XD I also can't think up too many ideas because of LIFE.
-This post's grammar sucks because I'm kinda depressed about something not in this post. -

Bye. :')
*goes back to grave*


  1. Hopefully things will get better for you! School can be tough.

  2. My dad didn't trust me with my BBQ burger bun was stale when I said so even though he didn't feel it but finally he did and his face fell off and turned into a tomato


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