Tuesday 17 February 2015

Deep Sea Crystals

Hi jammerz! Sorry this is gonna be a really short post :( Well, I've changed the template of meh blog too early :P (I hate it) I am also not satisfied with the playlist UGH (I might change it ;3) Today's new item is.........
This really is a Sunken Treasure XP Gosh, AJHQ why no NM item? >:(
:)  . . . . . . . :3 
Here's a messy, weird graphic of my fox:
Made it really quickly ;--3 (always add a long nose XD) 
Another one :P
. , . 


  1. Your playlist makes the blog lag really bad for me :c

    1. I know. :( But don't worry, I will surely remove it. Its really annoying when it lags..


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