Hello there! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I didn't wanted to. :3
Anyways.. Today's new item is the Sun Visor! I managed to make a gif! :)
Yea, it's a pretty bad quality gif.. :P
Aaaand, I finally am starting to make graphics that are ''not so messed up'' and transparent.
They aren't good though :3
All require NO credit at all because sometimes it's really hard to give credit on things such as Youtube Thumbnails, blog headers etc.
So, I met WrecklessSoul this morning in AJ
They say she's a famous jammer..
Have YOU guys ever met a famous jammer? I'm too curios. 8-D
Soul is the ONLY one I met.
I have been there when some famous jammers were on but never really met them...
Like, Julian2, Lilacpetal, Snowyclaw, QTangel (not really famous but a really awesome youtuber ;3)
and everyone in Animal Jam was going like ''OMG HE/SHE IS ON!!!'
Ok so, bye!
P.S: I have put another Playlist on this blog. It's SCM Music Player and Penguin55544 had the same problem with the Playlist glitching. He then put SCM music player and I never see his blog lagging now. :3 Which song do you like most in this playlist?
Fancy? XD
Ah well that make sense. X3