Sunday, 21 December 2014

Elf Shoes

Hey, hey, hey! Today we have some VERY weird items! But before letting you know which items they are, I would like to say sorry for not posting after Nafaria's party! It was pretty fun though.
I wonder where I am! X3
Ok so the new Jamaaliday item or excuse me ItemS, are one diamond for members and a pair of Elf Shoes for all jammers.
I am not getting these for my storages...
I am not wasting my gems on this long thing..
Super Scary...
 As it is Sunday.. I will be announcing my buddies of the week!
Awesomepanda868 is super sweet and fun! She is always there to 
cheer us up on a bad day. I really enjoy playing
with her.
Penguin55544 is also a great buddy! We can always count on him.
If I didn't put YOU on today, this doesn't means you are never ever gonna get added into the buddy of the week segment done on every sunday. If you aren't my buddy and want to buddy me, then my list would always have a lot of space for you!
Bye bye


  1. Fantastic post! Too bad I missed Naffy's party... D: Thanks so much for putting me as buddy of the week! :hugs: You are the best! ^.^

    1. Aww, your welcome! Its ok if you weren't able to come to the party, everyday's a party! I will be on today, we may be able to have a good time!

  2. Thanks for this, but I might be a little late. Back in these days I still couldn't comment on any blogs. (At least I think so.) I can only comment on yours and mine right now because of the pop-up window thing.

  3. @Penguin Boss
    Your welcome! I always was curious why you didn't comment on your blog or any other blogs until I read your old post from 2014. :P

  4. *you're
    I'm sorry. I suck at grammar. XD


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