Thursday 11 August 2016

Things you should know if your read my blog! 3

Hi jammers! I decided to do another one of these ''Things you should know if you read my blog'' posts. This is probably the last one, but I might squeeze in a number 4 if I forget about some stuff.

So, in this one, I'll basically be telling you where I like to use little emoticons or ways of typing.
1. XD: 
            I use the XD face when something is funny but not exactly deserves to be laughed at.
2. lol and LOL: 
                         I know it's weird, but I like to use ''lol'' without the capitals when I say something sarcastic.
3. Bad spellings/grammar:
                                        When ever I type in AWFUL grammar, it is usually to make the sentence funny.
4. The c: face: 
                      I use this as a fake/sarcastic smile. For example, a person posts about how rare they are, I'd most likely use the ''c:'' face in the comments.
5. Derpiness: 
                     Anyone who reads my posts, knows that I can be awfully derpy in my posts. In the start of 2015, I got obsessed with reading posts from The Jamaa Mist, where Cutepups was always pretty funny and so I got inspired and did a post being all funny like her. Turned out I liked being derpy and so it turned into a habit. I don't really have any problem with doing that, if you do, then eh.

Well, that is it for this post! Hope you guys learned something from this post. Bye! :D


  1. *sees my name and blog in the post* wha- what is this.. I must comment then! :0
    Keyboard faces are key to get your emotions across. And lol LOL :3 XD blahhhhh etc. It's key. Being derpy is key. I'm glad I have inspired you. hahaaa
    My Jan and Feb '15 posts. mmmmohmygosh.

  2. I love being derpy too, XD! That probably comes as a surprise to you.

    Just kidding, I'm pretty sure no one on here thinks that's a surprise! XDD


Looks like you've decided to comment! Cool! Feel free to share your opinion as long as it isn't hurtful. Since younger people are reading, try to keep your comments appropriate. Thanks for understanding! :D